Ok get ready for the worlds longest post...
For as long as I can remember I've wanted to go to Europe. This was a pretty big year in my life... turning 30, finishing the masters, etc so I decided to reward myself with my long awaited trip. My friend Jenn and I did a 14 day cruise to Northern Europe. What an incredible experience.
This was one of the only problems I encountered. It equaled an 11 hour plane ride and a diet coke this size. This seems more like a shot glass to me. I'll have you know I did very well with the diet coke consumption on the trip... I told myself I was trying to cut back when in fact I think I was just too cheap to buy it. I'm saying this with a 32 oz sitting on my desk right now.
The first stop on the trip was London, England. Absolutley loved London- love the accent, love the phrases "lovely"and "brilliant". Learned that "holiday" is vacation... I love being on holiday.
THe second day we were in Europe, Jenn and I split up. We both had life-long dreams to fulfill: She wanted to go to Wimbledon and I needed to go the Queens Birthday. So I spent the morning at Buckingham Palace with thousands of my closest British friends, paying tribute to the Queen.
This was our ship. Yeah it was huge. It was actually ranked the best ship in the world the last three years in a row.
I was so excited to meet some young, wealthy eligible young men on our cruise, or at least some nice gay guys to hang out with. I even had a $50 reward if I could get Jenn to kiss someone on this trip. As you can see in the background of this picture, the average age on this trip was about 80 years old, which made the trip hilarious. Nothing like drunk senior citizens dancing.
Amsterdam, Netherlands: No I didn't hang out at the red light district the whole time, we actually went on a tour of the windmills and were able to see how they make wooden shoes.
Berlin, Germany: Jenn's favorite place next to Disneyland. This is me at the Berlin Wall... and yes I ate some bratworst and sourcrout (I have no idea how to spell that). Now that I've tried it I don't think I should ever have to do it again.

Stockholm, Sweden: by far one of my favorite countries. Everything is on the water and it is beautiful! As we left the country we went through all these little islands listening to Abba songs- nothing like a little "dancing queen" to make your trip complete.

Helsinki, Finland: Incredible churches. Most of the town was shut down for mid-summer... I'm talking the whole city was deserted. ps- the lady didnt' really enjoy me trying on these furs... I think she could tell I didn't quite have the funding to buy.
St Petersburg, Russia: Wow is all I can say. Such amazing history. The first day we were there we did a canal tour around the city and then the second day we did a tour of all the Romonof Castles.
This sunset in Russia was about 12:30 am. Then the sun comes up about 3:30... never actually gets dark there in the summer. 
Somehow the day we did the tour of the castles we got in the most disfunctional tour group possible. Most of the group would wander off and we would spend half the time looking for them. THe picture above is my least favorite member of the group. He ran into me at least 20 times... apparently his pictures were most important.
One of the funniest things ont he trip were these purell hand sanitizers. I guess they had some sickness on the ship the week before we came so these little babies were everywhere. In the bathrooms, dining rooms, halls, elevators. They met you with them as you entered the ship, any food establishment and might as well have set them by the side of your bed. I probably went through 3-4 gallons myself (and yet I was still sick).
It was an amazing trip... saw the most incredible things and will laugh about many things for years to come!
I love it!! I am so glad that you posted you trip! I am so happy that you went on a cruise! Don't be upset that you turned 30- it is the new 20 and you can help me make it look good! Keep that pictures coming and the stories. I loving hearing about it all!
So jealous, it looks way fun! I will need to see more photos, one day I'll get there.
Kate! What a fabulous trip. You are one of the funnest girls I know so your trip must have been fantastic. Somehow being far away makes me miss you girls even more. Love you tons and just remember - the rest of us are thirty as well.
Kate you're hilarious. Sounds like an awesome trip. I'm jealous. Just one thing.. I think you need to make amends with the old man in your group.. you know the one that kept running into you. We wouldn't want to have another hate crime. He's my number one suspect. f
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