Monday, June 9, 2008

No Need To Be Picky...

So yesterday I called my Grandpa Coy for the weekly phone call and the conversation went a little something like this:

Grandpa Coy: "You know you've got a birthday coming up... you're gettin up there...pretty old"
KJN: "Thanks for the reminder..."
Grandpa Coy: "Well I've been thinking you've got to stop being so 'particular' or you're never going to get married"
KJN: "Oh so I need to stop being picky and just take anything that comes along?"
Grandpa Coy: "Well I'm just saying you need to start lookin or there isn't going to be anything left"

Thank you grandpa for the self-esteem boost... awesome.

Speaking of getting old- I do have a birthday coming up. Not quite excited about it, but I'm doing everything I can to help my depression- I'm going on a cruise to Europe for the next 2 1/2 weeks. I've been sucking up to my dad that all I wanted for graduation (and now I'm moving to the birthday stage) is to BORROW the vespa scooter for the summer. So I'm going to need your help. If you see either of my mom or dad I need you to put in a plug for the scooter. Blame it on gas prices, my depression, anything as long as I get it in Logan. The scooter actually looks very similar to this one except it has a nice basket on the front to carry my purse.


The Hintze Family said...

Gotta love Grandpa! I'll see what I can do to help out with the scotter situation; I do have a nice gift I can take to your dad at work, I'll leave a side note for you!

Trevor & Lindsey said...

Geez Grandpa sure knows what to say, not! lol But you got to love him! Oh and the scooter thing I dont know how much help we can be, I saw your dad driving it last night on the sidewalk! lol!

Summer said...

You know, the vespa is great but it doesn't turn as sharp as you would like. Sidewalk can jump out at you from nowhere. You gotta be careful Kate! Enjoy your trip and be very careful, we all want every detail when you get back and more than just a text!

Holly said...

Kate! I love your grandpa- he is so cute- I just love the stories you tell about him- love it! Besides if you were married you would not be going to Europe! Enjoy spending money on yourself- because that ends when Mr. Right comes!

Banham Luck! said...

If you want the scooter that bad, you need to wish your mother a "Happy Mutha's Day!"
I am so scared to turn 30!!!! I took the day off work so I could mourn, I should have went on the cruise with you instead :(
Have fun!

Ann said...

I love that this scooter has been a quest for AT LEAST five years! Persevere, my dear, you'll get it.

I hope you have so much fun on your cruise! It sounds so wonderful.

Mr. Thompson and Me said...

Lady - you crack me up! I'll work on your parents but as a last resort...perhaps we could consider stealing it! As a side note, Aaron does know some shady Polynesians from his former airport days (trust me- it explains A LOT about Skywest baggage issues...). Anyway, it is reputed that they can be hired for anything including car theft. I'm considering their service so I can collect insurance on the 4-Runner (gas prices) but maybe we can get a 2-for-1 deal with the scooter!

Unknown said...

As I have found- having motorcycles (or in your case an '86 (ish) Honda Passport) is much easier and even more fulfilling than putting yourself out there on the proverbial auction block that we call dating. Grandpa has 4 wheelers, maybe you could conjure up some metaphor w/ the 4-wheeler to help him understand. I'm happy that you have your SCOOTER!!!!!!