Utah State and the University of Utah compete in two things every fall- football and donating blood. Since we know we don't stand a chance at football, we put our efforts into the blood battle. Each school has the American Red Cross on campus for one week and whoever donates the most wins... which is always USU.
Needless to say, I've been invited by many students and co-workers this week to donate blood... which I cannot do... because the last time I donated they said I tested positive for HIV.
Many of you know my dedication to the American Red Cross... not only have I worked there, volunteered there, donated my time and money, but I have also been a faithful blood donor. So imagine my surprise when I received a letter in the mail that basically said... thanks for your donation but your blood tested HIV positive, please go get tested. Wow... don't sugar coat it... just tell it like it is I guess. If you're wondering if I was in hysterics, the answer is yes.
First of all... I don't have HIV (I would like to make that very clear). I've never shared needles, had promiscuous partners, etc. Still, I can't ever give blood again. I can't ever contribute to the blood battle. Still a reminder of those few moments in my life when I was HIV positive. Thank you, American Red Cross, for the constant reminder...

Wow! That would have totally freaked me out! Did you have to get tested anyway? Crazy!
Yeah, last time I gave blood was with you like 5 years ago and I wound up passed out in a gutter. Well, at least that is how I wish to remember it.
HIV, you? What a croc! Those blood suckers are crazy.
OH MY GOSH!!! I am laughing my head off!! You have been BLACKLISTED by the American Red Cross. I knew it was coming Kate, sooner or later, but through the blood donation....hmmm this has a hint of JaLae in it. Did you have the Red Cross do a little research on the origination of the letter? Yep, it sounds like JaLae, that sneaky blood queen!! I thought it would be Rox that would get the last laugh but I think JaLae has gotten your goat. AND if it isn't her maybe she could pull a few of her strings and get you off the "List."
Umm how is that possible? Least you don't have to give blood anymore. I'd be thrilled.
I'll never forget the day the Red Cross broke the news! You, traumatized, sitting through a RS Presidency meeting.
Oh, the memories.
I have tears streaming down my face right now...Aaron (who also works for Red Cross Blood Services) is in a tirade right now over your blog. He started yelling at me because of how I do business (I'm the manager of our donor recruitment dept) and has threatened to go speak with Dr. Strupp our Chief Medical Director over it. He's mad....and I'm laughing because he's threatening to get me fired...so I will be devoting my next blog entry to you Miss Katie Jo. Just for the record though...I had nothing to do with your false positive HIV test. And I just saw the final numbers for the blood battle- USU officially kicked the UofU's butt this week...by a lot!
I totally knew it Kate, JaLae was behind it!!!!
Nope...I had nothing to do with it. Personally, I think Katie might be leading a double life. Anything you need to tell us about Katie Jo? If so, I'm sure you learned it all from Holly! She's a terrible influence you know...
OK...OK...so I was a hussy but I taught Katie nothing, she actually taught me a thing or two! Yep, I learned from her example with good ole' Ray Summers! That Kate was a fast mover...OK I am done there bad visual...I will stop! A side from Ray though we do know Katie always had several on a string...I could name a few now but I had better not!
Ha! I forgot about Ray Summers. There is your answer to the HIV issue Kate. Do you remember how bad we gagged when he breathed on (or near) us? Since you danced the most with him Kate...and accepted his invitation to visit his haunted house for reasons I'm still not sure of...I'm sure that you contracted something which could only be detected by a false postive HIV. If we put you through nuclear decontamination that will probably take care of it. I'll make the arrangments.
OK so I am not the only one that thought his house looked a little spooky! Kate did it because Rox forced her to! It was all in the name of donation! Rox liked to sell sll og us off to all these lonely old ellite of the area. I remember instead of concern that Ray was taking an interest in Katie, she was quite excited about a possible relationship on his part. SHE WAS MATCHMAKING IT!!!! Remember Kate, he invited you over some CHEEEEESE and some...SOOOUP??
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