Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Constant Reminder...

Utah State and the University of Utah compete in two things every fall- football and donating blood. Since we know we don't stand a chance at football, we put our efforts into the blood battle. Each school has the American Red Cross on campus for one week and whoever donates the most wins... which is always USU.

Needless to say, I've been invited by many students and co-workers this week to donate blood... which I cannot do... because the last time I donated they said I tested positive for HIV.

Many of you know my dedication to the American Red Cross... not only have I worked there, volunteered there, donated my time and money, but I have also been a faithful blood donor. So imagine my surprise when I received a letter in the mail that basically said... thanks for your donation but your blood tested HIV positive, please go get tested. Wow... don't sugar coat it... just tell it like it is I guess. If you're wondering if I was in hysterics, the answer is yes.

First of all... I don't have HIV (I would like to make that very clear). I've never shared needles, had promiscuous partners, etc. Still, I can't ever give blood again. I can't ever contribute to the blood battle. Still a reminder of those few moments in my life when I was HIV positive. Thank you, American Red Cross, for the constant reminder...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why I love the Olympics...

Many of you know I am pretty much obsessed with the Olympics. Since the good old days of 2002, I've been equipt with my purple volunteer coat, my lanyard of pins and my USU beret (you know you all payed an arm and a leg for them). I've been reminiscent of my days at Olympic Village... being a bridesmaid at the Brazilian bobslet team wedding, ripping my pants when the Canadian Hockey player fell on me, my sign getting ripped on the Today Show by our very own Al Roker.

I am one of those people that feels extensive amounts of USA pride during the Olympics. I love the red, white and blue. I wear my olympic pins daily and change my desktop background on a daily basis. I often feel that my cheering helps our teams to victory and in turn I take their accomplishments as part of my own. I use phrases like "we took home the gold" and "that was one of our best times yet". When they break the world record... I break the world record... when they drop the baton... I drop the baton... when they cry... I cry. I've shed many a tear, both happy and sad.

So hears to you Michael Phelps, May and Walsh, Shawn Johnson and that little 12 year old Chinese gymnast. We did a great job...Go USA!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Single & Steadfast: Lessons in Hope

Apparently being single affects my self-worth, significance and success. As much as I love the Ensign, I have to admit this just confirmed my fear that there is in fact a line between being married and being single, and the "marrieds" of the world just don't know quite what to do with us "singles" out there.

One of my favorite lines in the article is ... "Watching younger siblings marry and begine their families has been painful. Prone to depression, (we'll insert Katie Jo here) doesn't feel socially skilled. She hasn't had a date in four years." Prone to depression? Seriously? I could think of a lot of things that would push me into depression before being single would. (and I have had a date in the last 4 years- not going to say how many, that's not the point).

So I guess I'm supposed to set some goals to become "attractive to my potential marriage partner". Again...Seriously? Have they been to my ward? My FHE? My Institute classes? Not a lot of options out there people. My satisfaction, meaning and happiness is not based on being single.
After reading this you might think I am one of those cynical singles. I promise I'm not a menace-to-society as many people think. In fact, I think I contribute quite a bit to society. I have a great job (with many other successful singles I might add) and I enjoy my life. I haven't lost hope ... if anything I consider myself lucky. I get to do things in my life that most people will never experience, and when marriage comes along it comes along, but it doesn't define who I am.