Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Welcome to my blog. I'm hoping to update this regularly, but I'm not going to make any promises. The reason this is called "just me and the cat"- so Abbey brought home a kitten from the farm a while ago and somehow it looks like I inherited this cat... her name is Boo. She is mean and she has attitude, and for some reason, I really like her. Biggest fear? ...that I'll never get married and I'll turn into the cat lady. Please don't let that happen.


anne marie said...

hahaha.. welcome to blogger.. i have four cats and i was able to nab a guy.. it can happen and probably will!! :o)

Holly said...

Kate! I am so glad you have joined the blog family! Remember no matter our marital status we are doing the Winnebago trips when we are old farts! I am so glad you are blogging. This will be great to check in on you! Love ya!